Monday, 26 June 2017


Hello everyone, out there !!!...

Here comes 2nd Article of my blog Cadbury Love …My last article was on history of CDM (Cadbury Dairy Milk) …happy, right???...that you haven’t read it…I can understand…no one is fond of history (Exceptions are always there as chemistry teaches us). But you should read…must be wondering why, right? No worry I have few points to answer your query: -

Enhanced knowledge base
(I hope you don’t have any problem with it)
Knowing history of a successful company are great for people looking forward to their own Start-up companies.
 (they are great learning lesson).
My forthcoming blogs will be on Cadbury. So, having insight about it will be a great aid.
 (please take note that my upcoming blogs will be helpful for people willing to do MBA in marketing or HR)

Still not convinced of reading history, no worry decision is all yours. But however, my objective is to give insight into the previous topic, to proceed well. So here are 7 key take-aways from the “Cadbury Story”: -
  1. Even a renowned brand had started from scratches and was taking baby steps.
  2. Even an insignificant step from your side can lead you to an extraordinary result.(In Cadbury’s case, making chocolate bars from leftovers lead it to this position. Isn’t that really awesome)
  3. A small difference can make or break you. (In Cadbury’s case…using powdered milk instead of condensed milk lead them to failure while, using more milk into Cadbury’s chocolate lead to a taste that still no one can match).
  4. Continuous effort is all that matter. (Cadbury took 3 generations from John Cadbury to George Cadbury Jr. but finally they made to No. 1 position in UK)
  5. To bring change you should be the change. (Cadbury did it by introducing New Innovative processing technique which produced UK’s first unadulterated cocoa. And because of this, kids are enjoying chocolates)
  6. Patience, Perseverance, Positivity eventually leads you to success.
  7. Never look back and work harder. (Cadbury never looked back since its inception, always achieved more with each passing year).

Thursday, 22 June 2017


Hello everyone out there...

I'm starting with a topic in love with...History??? No, not really History but Cadbury Dairy Milk. Almost every girl love chocolate but my reasons for loving it is quite different. At first loved it for its unmatchable taste but when I was introduced to the “Brand Cadbury” I loved it even more. How they evolved; their perseverance, how well they managed to get out of every sticky situation, their effort to put quality, customers, employees as priority. All such things so here I am with the “History of Cadbury Dairy Milk”. Have a nice read.😊

200 years ago, there was a man named John Cadbury. It all started with a Bull Street Shop in Birmingham. He then majorly sold cocoa and drinking Chocolate and not what we know Cadbury for.

Then in 1831, Cadbury as a manufacturing unit was born and soon Cadbury was selling 16 varieties of drinking chocolate and 11 different cocoas but still Cadbury was far away from what it stands for today (yes, the Cadbury Dairy Milk).
In 1861, Richard & George Cadbury sons of John Cadbury Came into picture and took full charge of the business (the brand soon to be world famous)

In 1866, to expand business and to survive a little competition Cadbury brothers introduced a new innovative processing technique which resulted in the launch of ‘Cadbury Cocoa Essence’ the UK’s first unadulterated Cocoa which contributed to the Brand we know today.

In 1875, first ever milk chocolate bar was introduced into the market by a swiss manufacturer Daniel Peter till then Cadbury was selling only milk chocolate drink and not the bars.

In 1878, George Cadbury took another crucial step toward the now known brand Cadbury along with his brother Richard by choosing a 14.5-acre greenfield site in Birmingham (4 miles south of Central Birmingham) to produce cocoa and chocolate. The factory was named Bournville (‘Bourn’-name of the stream and Ville is a French word for town). The new site had all, the connectivity one needs, the resources one need, enough water and a lot of room for expansion.

In 1879, another swiss manufacturer with more refined chocolate (through conching machine), smooth texture and quite good taste dominated the British market. They were much ahead in the competition because they used a little different recipe to make chocolate bars, condensed milk instead of powdered milk unlike Cadbury. Swiss manufacturer gave tough competition to Cadbury at that time. But Cadbury didn’t lose hope.

In 1897, Cadbury launched its first milk chocolate bar not to give competition to swiss manufacturer at first but to utilize the left overs of Cocoa Essence. When 'Cadbury Cocoa Essence' were made a lot of cocoa butter was left so they decided to utilize it by making chocolate bars (no one knew that this first step toward making chocolate bars from left overs will lead the company to No. 1 position among chocolate selling companies in the country and in the world)

In 1903, the world famous and of course my favourite Dairy Milk chocolate was launched but it was not in their home country but in South Africa to try out their product.

Finally, the task to launch Cadbury Dairy Milk successfully was at execution when George Cadbury Jr. was given the responsibility to develop a chocolate which will have more milk content than any of the prevailing chocolates in the market. In 1905, Dairy Milk (the name was suggested by a customer’s daughter and sounded perfect to the Cadbury family) was successfully launched into the British market and then it was sold in big unwrapped blocks that can be broken down into smaller pieces. Slowly and gradually CDM became more and more popular. People started recognizing the brand “Cadbury” due to the popularity of the product Dairy Milk and by the beginning of first world war CDM was Cadbury’s biggest hit. Soon it has taken the UK market (1920s). And now Cadbury Dairy Milk is a World Famous Brand available in different varieties and sizes suiting all age groups and matching taste buds of all its customers. 
